LenersanPoortman is an importer of food and feed ingredients. Directly from source and through our own warehouse in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, we supply our ingredients to the world. From 1 pallet to full container loads. Worldwide.
LenersanPoortman was founded in 1803 as Lenersan & Co’s Exporthandel N.V. and traded in grains, seeds, legumes, products for human consumption, animal feed and by-products.
Poortman N.V. was founded in 1868; Lenersan and Poortman merged in 1969. In 1973 LenersanPoortman was taken over by the Swiss company SiberHegner. The company, located in Rotterdam, built new premises and a factory in Dordrecht, which was opened in 1978. The main reason for the relocation was the location next to the Merwede river.
In 1982 Holland Diervoeders was also incorporated. SiberHegner in the meantime merged with Diethelm Keller. The two companies, Holland Diervoeders and LenersanPoortman, now operated together under the name DKSH Netherlands B.V. from Dordrecht. In 2011 DKSH Netherlands B.V. was sold to Group Depre.
The trade
name LenersanPoortman was re-introduced for the activities of the trade

Meet Team-LP
Our team of experts in trading, sourcing, storage and processing tries to add value for customer and supplier in every step of the chain.
Director of Trade
Mrs. Caroline Depré
T. +31786220622
Mr. Frank Bruyneel
T. +31786220622
Mr. Hans van Genderen
Senior Trader
Product group(s): Seeds & Spices
T. +31786220642
Mr. Guido Noorlander
Senior Trader
Product group(s): Pulses, Dried Fruits & Dried Vegetables
T. +31786220631
Mr. Martin Bostelaar
Product group(s): Pulses
T. +31786220633
Mr. Joost Bakker
Senior Trader
Product group(s): Organic seeds & hempseed
T. +31786220639
Mr. Jochem van Riel
Product group(s): Spices & Herbs
T. +31786220641
Mr. Erwin Westveer
Product group(s): Dried fruit & Edible nuts
T. +31786220634
Mr. Guy van Heck
Senior Trader
Product group(s): Seeds
T. +31786220656
Mr. Jaap-Jan Verhoeven
Senior Trader
Product group(s): Grains & Pulses
T. +31786220640
Mr. Kruno Spehar
Product group(s): Various
T. +31786220649
Quality Department
Mrs. Els Beda
Quality Manager
T. +31786220622
Mrs. Ingrid Leussink
A-QC Officer
T. +31786220622
Mrs. Charlette Dias De Pina
T. +31786220683
Mrs. Nelleke Kruithof
T. +31786220679
Mrs. Francisca Puente-Blom
T. +31786220677
Mrs. Lorraine Botha
T. +31786220676
Mrs. Marjolein de Groot
Head of finance
T. +31786220662
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