LenersanPoortman is trading the following commodities for Pet Food. Both from stock and directly from origin.

Anisseeds, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Canaryseed, Carrot seed, Chiaseed, Cypressseed, Flaxseed, Hempseed, Lettuce seed, Linseed, Melonseed, Milletseed, Milletsprays, Nigerseed, Panicum, Poppyseed, Pumpkinseed, Radishseed, Rape seed, Safflowerseed, Spinach seed, Sunflowerseed, Thistleseed, Turnipseed

Barley, Dari, Maize, Maize flakes, Oats, Oat flakes, Paddy rice, Rice, Sorghum, Wheat

Bean flakes, Carob cubes, Chickpeas, Dark red kidney beans, Dunpeas, Lentils, Maple peas, Mungbeans, Pea flakes, Peas green, Peas yellow, Soy beans, Tic beans, Vetches, Winter peas

Cedar Nuts, Cuttlefish bones, Dried Fruits, Dried Vegetables, Gammarus, Groundnuts, Mealworms, Shrimps, Silk worms, Tiger nuts, Tobacco Stalks
Meet our FEED-team
Mr. Guy van Heck
Senior Trader
T. +31786220656
Mr. Jaap-Jan Verhoeven
Senior Trader
T. +31786220640